Top 16 Worst Jobs for An Introvert That Cause Overwhelm

Who Is An Introvert

You first need to understand who an introvert is before knowing which are the worst jobs for an introvert with anxiety to avoid. Although this post is not wholly on career advice for introverts, it offers a guide on some careers to avoid if you are introverted.

You may also want to look at some low-stress high paying jobs for introverts.

An introvert is a person who finds it difficult to interact with others and prefers to spend time alone in a peaceful work environment. Introverts are often misunderstood because they seem shy or unfriendly. They may be shy, but they are not unfriendly. In fact, introverts are often more sensitive than extroverts, they just need more time to adjust to social settings.

There are many misconceptions about introverted people that make them feel like they don’t belong in society. But the truth is that introversion is a personality trait, not a disorder. Introverts can still be successful in life and relationships if they know how to manage their introversion properly. In fact, introverts have a lot of skills that make them ideal for certain roles in the workplace.

Related: Best Jobs For Lazy People Who hate Working Hard To Make Money

Introvert vs Extrovert: What’s the Difference?

Introverts like to think before they speak, while extroverts prefer to think out loud and then refine what they say based on others’ reactions. Introverts tend to be more creative than extroverts because of their tendency to spend more time daydreaming, thinking deeply about one topic, and because they are less likely to engage in small talk.

Extroverts love social gatherings and thrive on attention, whereas introverts are more reserved, love solitude and recover by spending time with themselves and doing activities like reading, watching TV, and listening to music.

Unlike extroverts who are outgoing and social, introverts avoid being the center of attention, prefer behind-the-scenes jobs, and are more likely to sit back and observe. They also prefer to work independently. This observation can lead to creative thoughts that would not come up in a brainstorming session with multiple people chiming in.

Related: 14 Best Jobs For Multitaskers

Are You Really An Introvert? Find Out!

Here are some questions to ask yourself to find out if you are an introvert

  • Do you feel a sense of relief when you are alone?
  • Do you enjoy time spent in solitude?
  • Do you get drained after social interactions?
  • Do you prefer to spend time alone or with a small group of people?
  • Do you need to recharge your energy after being around people for a long time?
  • Do you prefer to work independently in quiet environments?
  • Do you look out for jobs for shy people or behind the scenes jobs?

If you answered yes to the above questions, then you are an introvert. It’s important to know your personality type and understand how it affects your life and especially your choice of career.

What should an introvert look for in a job?

Introverts are usually more introspective and sometimes need to recharge their batteries in isolation. It is therefore important for them to find a job that accommodates their needs.

An introverted person should look for a job that allows them to work independently, has flexible hours, and provides the opportunity to work remotely with little human interaction.

What Skills Do Introverts Lack?

Introverts are often perceived as shy or quiet and they are more comfortable doing jobs for shy people. This is, however, not always the case. Introverts prefer to spend time alone and get energy from being alone. They also get energy from spending time in nature, reading, or other solitary activities.

Some skills that introverts may lack are:

  • Public speaking
  • Leadership
  • Strong interpersonal skills
  • Communication skills
  • Salesmanship
  • Teamwork
  • Networking
  • Persuasive writing

Introverts are often afraid of meeting new people, public speaking, and networking. This is because introverts are more sensitive to external stimuli, such as noise and overstimulation. They also need time to process information internally before they can act on it.

Worst Jobs for Introverts With Anxiety and Careers To Avoid As An Introvert

We will now discuss some of the worst careers for introverts that would overwhelm them and tips for introverted employees to thrive in their careers and be successful at work. There are some roles that would overwhelm introverts because of their personalities.

Also, check out the best jobs for introverts that pay well and the best companies for introverts with anxiety to learn the most rewarding career choices for introverts.

Because introverts prefer to spend time alone, they should avoid careers that require constant socializing. It is a terrible thing to force an introvert to do an extroverted job. These jobs listed below would be an introvert’s worst nightmare to do.

1. Sales representative

A sales representative is a person who sells goods to customers. Salespeople are usually extroverts and enjoy talking to people. The best salespeople can understand the needs of the customer and find the right products for them.

An introvert should avoid a sales agent’s job because they are not good at talking or interacting with other people.

2. Public relations specialist

Public relations specialists are the ones who manage the public perception of a company or an individual. They are usually in charge of creating and implementing a PR strategy for their clients, which includes social media posts, press releases, and newsletters.

Being a public relations specialist is not a job for introverts. A successful public relations specialist needs to be able to talk to people and be confident in their opinions.

3. Actor

Acting is a profession that requires the actor to show emotions. It is an introvert’s worst nightmare.

An introvert should avoid an acting job because it requires them to show emotions, which they are not very good at doing. This can lead to frustration and disappointment for the actor if they can’t act well enough.

4. Youtuber

YouTubers often show their faces and speak with a lot of confidence. Introverts can barely stand to use the microphone, making this job the least ideal for them.

However, being an introvert does not have to limit one’s opportunities to have a successful career on YouTube. These days we have a lot of faceless YouTube videos that introverts can try their luck with.

5. Real Estate Agent

Being a real estate agent can be an overwhelming task for introverts. They often need to be outgoing, always available, and constantly engaging with people. Introverts may find it hard to manage such a demanding job and could eventually burn out after working for too long, leading them to change careers.

6. Tour guide

A tour guide job involves a lot of interaction with tourists as you guide, entertain and provide them with information concerning the destinations they are visiting. An introvert would be extremely uncomfortable in such a job.

7. Social Media Influencer

Social media has become such an integral part of our lives and how we connect with others, so it’s no wonder that people are using social media influencers to promote their businesses or projects. An introvert should avoid being a social media influencer because there is so much more to regular social interaction than just posting online.

Worst jobs for introverts

8. Event Planner

As an events planner, you need to be outgoing, have exceptional communications skills besides being a team player. All these are qualities that introverted people lack, making it one of the worst jobs for an introvert to do.

9. Podcaster

Podcasting is a popular form of content creation for many people. However, there are some reasons introverts may want to rethink their decision to podcast in the first place. Podcasting requires you to speak publicly and this can be quite daunting for introverts who are not confident in their public speaking skills.

10. Receptionist

An introvert should not be a receptionist. Introverts are their own people who enjoy time to themselves, while receptionists are in constant social demand. The number of interruptions at a reception job can be extremely overwhelming for an introvert.

11. Bank teller

An introvert should avoid being a bank teller. They are more likely to have difficulty with customer service, which is an important part of the job. The nature of the work also forces them to interact with people for hours on end.

12. Teacher

As a teacher, you have to be able to communicate and be able to speak in front of a large group of people as you help them learn. If you are an introvert, these tasks can be very challenging for you. In fact, the introverted teacher is actually more likely to quit teaching after a short while in the job than an extroverted teacher is.

13. Flight Attendant

If you have a very introverted personality, avoid being a flight attendant. In this profession, you’ll spend most of your time socializing with people and it might not be the best fit for someone who is more introverted in nature.

A flight attendant should be a person who can deal with people and who has a confident personality, which are characteristics that are missing in many introverts.

14. Retail Assistant

A retail assistant is a person who assists clients in a retail environment. Depending on the size of the company, they may be responsible for various tasks, such as merchandising, inventory management, or customer service.

An introvert should avoid being a retail assistant because the retail industry is notorious for its high turnover rates, with some employees reporting high-stress levels and poor work-life balance. All this would completely overwhelm an introvert.

15. Taxi driver

A taxi driver’s job requires a lot of talking, driving, and being on the go. These things are difficult for an introvert to do and will lead to a lack of fulfillment.

16. Modeling

One may think that in modeling, you only get to show off your looks and personality to the world and get paid for it. However, modeling is a lot more work than that. One has to constantly worry about how they look and maintain a certain level of fitness for the camera.

A model’s career also requires a person to be in a pose that is not always comfortable. Introverts may find it difficult to do this as they are not very social and tend to keep to themselves, which can cause discomfort when put into such an awkward position.

Related: How To Get Your First Remote Job: A Step-by-step Guide 

Worst jobs for an introvert

Tips for Working When You’re an Introvert

Working as an introvert can be a challenge. Here are some tips to help you succeed with introvert jobs.

1. Find a work environment that suits your needs

Your workplace environment should fit your needs as a person. It’s important to take into account your physical and mental needs when choosing where to work and ensure that you are comfortable with the job setting before taking any job offer. Jobs with quiet work environments are best suited for introverts.

2. Ask for feedback from your coworkers and boss about how you can improve your communication style

Communication styles are like fingerprints; no one person can take your place. It’s important to know how you’re communicating with others for the sake of making meaningful connections. Ask your coworkers for feedback about how you can improve your communication style.

3. Take care of yourself by getting enough sleep, eating healthy, and exercising

It is easy to get caught up in the fast-paced, demanding world of work. It can be difficult to notice when you need a break. However, it is important to take care of yourself in order to maintain your physical and emotional health.

4. Join a networking group or club so you have opportunities to interact with people outside of work.

Joining a networking group or club can be a great way to expand your professional network and meet prospective employers. Networking groups often have monthly meetings, happy hours, and other events that allow members to interact with people outside of work. However, give yourself permission to take breaks from socializing when need be.

5. Keep a Journal. Keeping a journal can help you process your thoughts and feelings without having to talk about them with anyone else. It also helps you understand what you’re thinking and feeling on a deeper level, which can help when communicating with others who may be more extroverted than you are.

Wrap Up on Worst Jobs for An Introvert

In this article, I discussed some of the worst jobs for quiet introverts. Jobs that require social interactions with others, speaking in public, and networking with team members are some jobs for shy introverts to avoid if they want to succeed in their careers.

See some of the best jobs for introverts with anxiety.

Introverted people are more likely to be writers, artists, and thinkers because they can spend long stretches of time in solitude with lower energy requirements than most extroverted people do. When introverts understand themselves, they know which career paths to steer clear of.

Now that you have known about the jobs to avoid as an introvert, check out this post on Low-Stress Jobs For Introverts That Pay Well to see the jobs you should look for as an introverted person.

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